Sunday, January 29, 2012

If not now then when?

You are exactly what you believe you are.

The only way you can fail is to no longer try.

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are.

No one will grant your wishes, you have to make them come true.

We do not sing because we are happy, we are happy because we sing.

It's amazing to me how writing and rewriting certain messages can so drastically change the way you think about things. The brain is a muscle that needs trained like any other. Bad habit formed can be bad habits changed. Good habits ignored can become good habits reformed.
I've listened to this song more times than I can count and it ALWAYS changes my mood, however briefly. But up until recently I didn't quite get the meaning. Now, I can. I can see clearly now. The fog of depression is lifting and the sun is coming out.

Be thankful for what you do have and not envious of what you don't.

Reactions are choices.

In all things seek balance.

The first step is usually the hardest. And the scariest. 

Have you ever stopped and asked "why shouldn't I"? Instead of all the other questions that come up, the self doubt, the worry. Why shouldn't I be happy? Why shouldn't I do things that I want to do? It's not selfish. If you aren't happy that affects everyone around you, every decision you make and how you feel every single day of your life. So why no be happy?

Find solutions to problems, trust your gut, it's usually right. Find what you love and do it. That's what I'm working on making happen. After many years. The only thing you can be is you. You may as well be you genuinely and proudly.   And make happiness a priority instead of an afterthought.

If you laugh often, be real, associate with the right people, invest in relationships and always keep your word, good things will happen. And by saying the right people, I don't mean wealthy, or connected or anything like that. I mean people that compliment your life, people that bring you happiness and positivity. People that add something of substance to your life.

The one thing I wish I would have learned many years ago is how to LIVE instead of how to SURVIVE.

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