Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Two doodles I did today as possible future tattoo ideas. I like the symbolism. Sometimes things pop into my head and I have to get them out.

Now keep in mind I have zero artistic talent when looking at these. The one on the left is the all seeing eye with the yin/yang symbol in the eye. The second is a compass with the same points as the Dharma wheel. With the symbolism inside.

If you have talent and want to redraw them I sure wouldn't be offended. Some day I hope to have the money to get them done on my back. I am fascinated by the mixing of cultural symbols over the last few thousand years.

It's kind of like my memories have been until recently. Jumbled, mixed up, confused, crossed over. A mess. My mind has been slowly untangling them (my memories) like a fragile web. One thread at a time. I'm slowly realizing what has made me me. One memory at a time. Some good, many bad.

I'm finally beginning to understand who I am and why I am. And as I learn these I can fix those issues that need addressing. I'm understanding my love affair with food. This has been a slow process, at times it's felt like I don't move at all and at others like I'm zooming along like a rocket. I've gone around in circles, I've fallen in holes, I've gotten stuck in the much. But slowly, ever so slowly, I've moved steadily forward.

I've moved mentally, now it's time to move physically.

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