Monday, January 23, 2012

Why am I. It seems like such a simple question. Until I think about it. Why am I. Is there a reason I can't see. Is there a grand plan. Why am I. How did I come to be. And what are the infinitesimal chances of me being me. And in the end, does it matter.

So much dogma in the world. And it creates so much hate and killing and arguing. Fighting over who is right. But in the end, does it matter. To live a moral life does not require an ism. No dogma is required. If it takes a threat of eternal damnation, fire and brimstone to keep a person on a moral path chances are good they aren't a moral person at heart.

And what is more important. A persons actions or a persons intent. Or a persons true beliefs. If an atheist goes to church every week and no one knows he's an atheist, does it matter? Is there a higher power that created all. I don't know. No one truly knows the answer to that question. So why spend so much time worrying about it. Live a moral and ethical life because that is the right thing to do, not because of fear.

I don't know why I'm hear. I don't know how it happened. So many rocks in so many galaxies and we exist on this one. For a reason? Divine intervention? Creation? Or just luck. Evolution could easily have gone in a different direction. What some call god could easily have chosen another form for us. Yet here we are. Bone and blood and water all working together to make me. Fascinating;.

Every breath I take is amazing in its self. That I am alive, here, in this reality. Is this the only reality, the only existence? Is there more? I don't know. The only absolute in this life is death. It happens to us all. One way or another. For some it's a long and difficult road, for other it's short and abrupt. But we all travel the same road, from womb to tomb.

So why then do I spend so much time thinking about things that really don't matter in the long term. Stressing about things I have no control over. Starving myself so I can lose a few pounds. Life could end tomorrow. Have you lived it yet? Have I? We spend so much time worrying about what we want to have, what we think we need to have that we forget to enjoy what it is we do have. And the we're dead.

I intend to be the I I want to be. The I that is happy. I will no longer worry about that which I can not control, or that which I do not have. I will instead spend my energy on what I do have and be happy with what I do have.

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