Monday, August 23, 2010


So I've spent many hours searching and searching for some kind of decent local support group for men who need to lose weight. My conclusion? There aren't any. My solution? Start one.

I have sent so many emails I've lost track.  I am trying to gather information, get help and find direction. I've never tried to do anything like this before and I'm entirely sure how to go about it. But then I've never before found something I feel so much passion about. I am tired of people trying to make money off of fat people, to dangle promises in front of them, only to disappoint. Weight watchers cares more about selling you crap than helping you lose weight.

So,  I now have a goal, a purpose, something to focus my energy on. And most importantly, something I care about. Wish me luck. I need it.

How many

How many health scares does it take to motivate me to do something? Apparently this many. After 5 days in the hospital recovering from surgery on a massive, infected abscess, I have finally decided to quit fucking around and get serious about changing my habits, my life and my health.

I know I can do this, I've seen others do it, it can be done. I weigh 550 pounds for fucks sake. My body can't take any more. It's been yelling at me for a while now and I have been ignoring the messages. The problem with living in denial, eventually reality kicks you in the balls.

I have to reprogram my brain and my body, do a hard reboot of sorts. Just changing the way I think about food is hard. Changing my habits, not eating out of boredom, hard. 

I am going to use this forum to keep myself accountable. To keep track of my progress. And on the off chance that anyone ever reads this crap, maybe help someone else