Monday, August 23, 2010

How many

How many health scares does it take to motivate me to do something? Apparently this many. After 5 days in the hospital recovering from surgery on a massive, infected abscess, I have finally decided to quit fucking around and get serious about changing my habits, my life and my health.

I know I can do this, I've seen others do it, it can be done. I weigh 550 pounds for fucks sake. My body can't take any more. It's been yelling at me for a while now and I have been ignoring the messages. The problem with living in denial, eventually reality kicks you in the balls.

I have to reprogram my brain and my body, do a hard reboot of sorts. Just changing the way I think about food is hard. Changing my habits, not eating out of boredom, hard. 

I am going to use this forum to keep myself accountable. To keep track of my progress. And on the off chance that anyone ever reads this crap, maybe help someone else                                                                     

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I used to say to myself - just put one foot in front of the other and each day I did one more than the day before. For those sweet little babies, I wish you luck and I pray for your will power.