Saturday, October 15, 2011

The beginings of a plan

So I've been thinking about many things lately. Working on changing my life. I am no longer using words like may, might, could, attempt, try or anything else that implies a lack of success. I am reading about holistic alternatives. And I will continue to write about what I find, what I try and what does and does not work for me.

I have many theories and ideas. Thoughts, followed by many excuses. Now I am going to make a plan. I know this, I can't find work right now. I am at home all the time. There is no reason not to move more and get exercise. I am going to make a weekly schedule of activities. Start slow and work my way up. I need to strengthen my knees and lose weight. Those are the two primary goals at this time.

I don't have a specific weight loss goal. Just healthy. I refuse to become obsessive about pounds. I know that, as with smoking, every day I work and every pound I lose will help me feel better. I must stay motivated through the pain. If I want to make the pain go away, it's going to hurt, no way around that.


Unknown said...

Good. Let me know what you need/want for support and help.

Amanda Kiska said...

Great point that you'll feel better with every pound down! Too often we get overwhelmed by all we have to do, but the reality is that we feel better about ourselves when we start moving in the right direction.

Rain Howard said...

One thing I've finally figured out after many years is that keeping a positive attitude makes a huge difference. It's one thing to have people tell you that, another entirely to finally actually get it on a personal level.

If I drop a pound a week it's better than gaining one. May not be much, but it's going in the right direction.