Sunday, January 15, 2012

Western "medicine"

I was thinking about some things as I was reading this morning. How many times in my life have I been to the doctor, only to leave annoyed because nothing changed. Or they just tossed a bottle of pain pills at me. Here, take two of these and call me in three months, you'll be magically better. Ha! Bullshit I say to that.

I won't bother rehashing my medical history to much, it's been written before. However, in learning about holistic medicine and eastern medicine the same thing keeps coming up. That is, don't treat the symptom, find and treat the problem. What a novel concept. So you mean this pile of drugs I have isn't going to magically fix me? Bummer.

So, I'm working on figuring out the cause of my issues so I can fix that. If I fix what's causing the problems I fix the problems themselves. Seems simple enough. Though I have a myriad of health issues at this point in my life. I must dig down to the bottom, the root cause of everything. Crap, it's scary down there.

So the number one issue with me currently is my weight. It's excessive. I'm fucking huge man. Huge. And then we have the depression, anxiety and occasional but rare panic attack. Chronic pain in most of my joints. Lack of energy, motivation and drive. And all the small little problems in between the big ones.

I've dealt, OK, that's the wrong word, I've been plagued by depression all my life. I didn't start to actually deal with it until about 3 years ago. And it's been a long, hard road. But I feel better. Depression almost destroyed my life. I think it was the cause of many of my current issues. That and ruining my knee in high school.

So I'm backing up a step and looking at the big picture. All of me instead of one specific ache or pain. To see what is the cause of what. And to hopefully do something about them, one at a time. We all know one of my largest issues is my weight. The human body, no matter how well designed, is not made to carry such a load. It makes everything hurt. It makes everything more difficult and it makes the depression worse because of it. And then the depression makes me crave food. Nice loop.

Modern medicine has it's place. Sometimes I like  my drugs, they do help in the short term. The problem is, that help doesn't last with many things and with other, well, I really don't want to have to take drugs for the rest of my life to feel relatively normal.

I know that moving more, losing weight and moving more will help. As will moving more. I think I'll try moving more. And then there's moving more, that's supposed to help. Working on changing my diet and paying attention to what I'm eating, when and how I feel after.

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