Sunday, January 1, 2012

Why is a thing a thing?

This popped into my head about 130 this morning and I had to get it out.

Why is a thing a thing?
Because some person sometime said it was so
And no one has yet come and said "no"
But what if it isn't so?
What if a thing really isn't a thing?
Perhaps a thing is still a thing because we have yet to discover it not to be so?

How much of what we believe to
is simply because we can not see
the truth of a thing - yet

What of we can we not see?
Are the things we think about we on a truth because we can see the we that others see?

As with science and religion, much of what we believe about we we believe without doubt, without question. To be believe a belief about the we that we see without a foundation of fact is simply foolish.

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