Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Weighing in

I've noticed lately that I'm feeling a bit worse. Things are a tad harder to do and I just don't have any energy. I stepped on the scale tonight and discovered that I have gained back the weight I lost plus another 15 pounds. So I'm currently sitting at 565.

I've decided to go back to counting calories and this time will be using The great thing about it is they have an app that works on my tablet so I will always have it with me. That way I can keep more detailed record of what I put in my mouth.

I plan to (I'm great at making plans) figure out a day by day routine that makes me get up and move. Start out slow and work my way up. I've got the damn exercise bike sitting here I need to use, a pool down the road, a nice park to walk to in the back yard. And not the motivation to use a damn bit of it.

But I can fix that. I've fixed so much in my life, I can do this too. One step at a time, one day at a time.

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