Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A tumor you say?

Yep, that's right boys and girls, a cancerous tumor. On my kidney, the right one to be precise. A nice, 4.5 centimeter cancerous tumor. After all the shit my body and mind have pulled. After the surgeries, recoveries, doctor visits, exams, images and test. Now, after all this shit, I find out I get to have yet another operation. Frankly this sucks donkey balls.

I don't mean to engage in another pity party, I've thrown enough of those over the years. But this is just ridiculous. I still have my vices, my malodorous habits, my quirks. But I've been trying to get my shit back together and make a better life for me and mine. And just when I think I'm starting to make progress, oh, hey, you have cancer and you need another surgery. And that is essentially what the urologist said to me.

Well, that was about a month ago. Now I'm killing time until the end of May when I get to go to OHSU for surgery. I really don't know what is going to be the final outcome of this pending surgery. The plan is to take the top of my kidney, and obviously the tumor with it. But that's only the "plan". It could end up being an open surgery, if the robot and what not can't do its thing. They may take a portion of my kidney, or all of it. They don't know and won't know until they cut me open. But don't worry they tell me. It's going to be just peachy. We think. Of course here's all the risks of surgery, up to and including we may kill you. But just relax. For the next two fucking months while I get to obsess about it.

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