Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Finding balance

When you have any bariatric surgery there is a certain type of diet you're supposed to follow. For the rest of your life. It's mostly protein, because in theory we're limited in the amount we can eat. And after going through all that it takes to have that surgery and then recover from it you're usually motivated to do the "right thing" as far as diet is concerned. And then there is the age old myth that carbs are evil, especially when losing weight. I suppose that works for a lot of people, but not for me. Especially spending time in the gym every day. And that is where I'm having a problem finding balance.

I know that I need to eat a bit more if I'm going to build muscle and workout every day. I certainly discovered that today. Towards the end of my workout I got a serious case of the shakes. Completely lost every ounce of energy I had and really didn't feel very good. I know that it was because of my diet. There is a reason that people who exercise every day, especially weight lifters, eat so damn much. I certainly can't eat what many of them do, nor do I need to, but it certainly seems I need to eat more that I do. My issue is that I love the "bad" carbs. Pasta, breads, chips and other things that go crunch. I know you can get some carbs from vegetable, I hate vegetables. I doubt I could ever force myself to eat enough of them to get the carbs I need. Protein isn't a problem. I love meat and eggs and all that. I just need to make sure I'm eating enough but not too much. That's a challenge. The problem is that I want to lose weight but I also want to build muscle. I'm finding this a bit challenging.

I have learned over the last two years that even with surgery I need an excessive amount of activity every day to keep dropping inches. I can't do that when I feel tired and hungry. My body holds onto pounds if I eat enough to have that energy and not feel tired. It's a quandary. One I'm trying to figure out. I have slowed my workouts a bit and changed things up. No more "overtraining" for me. I hope. Being fat an unhealthy is so much easier. Not worrying or even thinking about what you're eating and avoiding exercise like a cat avoids water is simple. What I'm doing, not so much. It's a daily struggle. I'm thinking about going back to using protein powder. I loathe the stuff but I think it may help me find that balance I need. If only I can find one that I don't have to choke down. Apparently I need to do something different.

1 comment:

Amanda Kiska said...

Have you tried the pre-made Premier Protein shakes from Costco? They're pretty good. They only have 160 calories and 30 grams of protein.

You also may have been dehydrated. We need crazy quantities of water to exercise in this heat.