Sunday, June 22, 2008

My first blog

Well, as promised, here is the first picture I'm going to post on here. Many more to come I'm sure. I've never blogged before, so be nice. Not sure what I'm going to put on here for half of the world to read should they so choose.

I suppose I can use the space to rant about all that pisses me off in the world. That would take up plenty of space. But then, where would I start? I think I may go for the more positive end of things and babble about photography, school, my kids and all that.

Since this is my very first blog, I guess I will tell those that care a little about me. That though brings back that "where to begin" question. I'm 34, male, presently living in Eugene, Oregon with my Girlfriend, our 11 month old daughter and her 9 year old daughter. I have a 22 month old son who lives in Corvallis with his mother, my ex from a several month stint of insanity I experienced about 3 years ago. I have been all over the country in my 34 years but am originally from a Podunk little burg called Gold Beach on the southern Oregon coast. A pretty place to visit and a nice place to be from.

Hmm, what else in my pointless little ramble? I am presently going back to college (OK, so it's a community college) for the third time in my life. Not bad for a high school drop out. This time I am focusing on Computer Networking with an aside in photography. I love the photography but it's a bit hard to pay the bills with. My previous trip to school was in Astoria, Oregon where I got a degree in "Maritime Sciences". Yeah, it sounds cool doesn't it? What it means is, I spent 2 years and lots of money learning how to go play with other peoples boats. I eventually got my Coast Guard Captains license but have let in lapse recently. Hard to go work on a boat for 6 months when you have young children.

I spent the better part of six years working on different boats all over the country. Spent some time in Florida on a couple different boats, SE Alaska several different times and the Puget Sound and British Columbia aboard the Island Spirit. That was, with out a doubt, my favorite of all. Check them out. A fantastic way to see that part of the world.
Here's a picture of the Island Spirit at anchor. I lived on this boat for a couple years, put hundreds of hours of time in her and ended up leaving under fairly unpleasant circumstances. Sad really. I liked Jeff until that happened but there's something about being told to go on a diet and quit smoking by a boss that just truly pissed me off. Doesn't matter that he was right, that's not the point. Any way, just another of many bridges I've burned over the years.
But it sure was pretty and fun while it lasted. I hope one of these days to make it back to some of the places I went on that boat. By the way, the above picture was taken in Princess Louisa Inlet in British Columbia. It's one of the places the boat travels on its weekly trips. You can't really see it in this picture unless you look very close, but she's actually at anchor with the stern tied to the bank. That was one of my jobs, to go tie that line to a tree on the side of the cliff and then have the Captain back the boat down on me so we could attach the line to the stern of the boat. Kind of a harrowing experience to have a 130 foot boat backing up towards you when you're in a 10 foot skiff full of wet line and the only communication you have with the captain is via radio. We got pretty good at it after a couple tries. Oh, in case you are wondering, she's sitting in over 400 feet of water in that spot.

At the head of the inlet is a wee little water fall called Chatterbox. Well, it's only wee little toward the end of summer, the rest of the year, it's pretty impressive.
Here's one shot I have of the falls. Don't remember exactly what time of year it was. Unfortunately, most of my pictures from back then were taken with the point and shoot camera. Wasn't able to afford the DSLR until recently. Though, for what it is, the old p and s took some pretty fine photos if I do say so me self.

Any way, enough about me for tonight. It's 1 in the morning, time for sleep. Hope those that find this and read it enjoy. And if you don't, well....... So, untill I decided to post some more useless information. Oh, if you like these pictures, please check out my Flickr page and let me know what you think of those. It's open to the public, no joining anything. Leave me comments. I can't better if no one tells me what they do and don't like.


Deidra Aubrey Gwyther said...

Your journey is somewhat like mine, except that I am old enough to be your mother.
You said something about insanity and I just want to tell you that there is a fine line between genus and insanity. I would like to say more but I don't know if you will get this.
Deidra from FaceBook

Deidra Aubrey Gwyther said...

can I put photos here? If so, how?