What ever was I babbling about previously? Oh, yeah, that's it, my job on the good old Island Spirit, among several other boats. Sometimes I miss it, being on the water, seeing everything I did. I would love to go back to SE Alaska again, with plenty of time and plenty of money.
One of the nice things about the work that I did, I got paid to do what the passengers paid a lot of money to do. Granted, I was working 12 to 20 hours a day doing it, but I still enjoyed the wail watching, the trips to the beach, the evening in town. I was paid to do things most people never get the opportunity for. In that, I have no regrets. How many people get to watch glaciers calve? Or Orcas breach ten feet away? I got paid to spend two weeks anchored off Key West. I've been paid to go to the Bahamas. It hasn't sucked.
So many different jobs I've had over the years. I suppose that's one of the motivating factors in me returning to school one more time. As I get older I start to think more about the future. Having children adds to that. When it was just me I had to worry about, I had no problem jumping from boat to boat and traveling all over the country. I had no real worries, very few bills and no responsibilities. It was fun while it lasted.
Though I will admit, it wasn't all fun and games. Lot's of long days, lots of airports, motels, rental cars and bad food. I spent two weeks in Miami with no idea how I was going to get home. That wasn't to terribly fun. OK, yes it was. I loved Miami. Then I was in Fort Lauderdale, also fun. Stayed in a Hostel frequented by foreign yacht crew. What a bunch of snooty, stuck up fuckers. But then I suppose if you spent the majority of your time kissing some billionaires butt on a multi-million dollar boat you'd get an attitude after a while.
For some odd reason I always seem to end up back in Oregon. Not sure why that is. Can't say as I really like this state all that much. The economy sucks, the housing market is as over inflated as Pamela Anderson's boobs and you can't swim in the ocean here because it's to damn cold. But more on that later.
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