Sunday, June 14, 2009


I must not be a very manly man, because I don't get it. Let's see, a strike is a good thing is bowling, a bad thing in baseball (unless you're the pitcher, then it's a good thing). We call a game football, yet it has very little to do with a foot and ball. We call a game the rest of the world calls football, soccer, yet no Socking is involved. Baseball fans are encouraged to be loud when a player is swinging at a ball going 90 miles an hour yet golf fans must be vewy vewy quiet for some old fart in ugly pants to swing a stick at a ball that isn't moving?

I want to play professional sports, especially basketball. What other job can you perform so poorly at and still make millions? American sports are funny. Baseball, a game that allows middle aged, overweight white guys to make millions playing a silly game with a stick and a ball. Football, a cross between soccer and rugby, both much more difficult games. And they don't use pads or helmets. Yet every year we have the "SuperBowl". A mutlimillion dollar clusterfuck of advertising and beer drinking. Oh, and some gratuitous T&A. It's sad when more people watch for the advertisements than the actuall game.

Who came up with the scoring in these games anyway?? Football, two points, 3 points, extra point??? How about this, the ball goes in the hole one time, you get one point? Is this supposed to make the game more interesting? Because it really doesn't help much.

And my biggest gripe about sports. Those stupid, annoying idiotic announcers! Hey, asshole, shut up, I'm watching the game. I really don't care to hear how you would have done it. If you're opinion was so valued you would be coaching or playing instead of announcing.

It amazes me what they call a sport any more. I was just looking at the Olympics and the "sports" they have listed. Ping Pong is a sport? Curling? Golf isn't a sport, it's a game. What's next? Competitive knitting? In this age of political correctness, seems like we have to let everyone compete in everything. What happened to needing skill? Tallent? Now all you need is some good PR and the rite pair of shoes.

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