I found this list while floating along the wave of cyberspace and liked it so much I decided to share it, with some of my own comments, a few personal edits and of course, great appreciation to the author.
Author, Maria Kang: 'Learning What Uniquely Motivates You Is What Will
Make You Successful In Your Weight Loss Or Weight Gain Journey.'
101 Motivation Strategies
- Write down your goals.
- I recently started doing this on a couple different levels. Short term goals for the week. Then goals for the month and the year. I try to keep them simple yet precise.
- Create a fitness action plan.
- I keep working on one of these in my head but it gets squashed by tons of excuses. Excuses are like cow shit, they lay around and stink.
- Devise a desirable reward.
- I think living is a pretty decent reward. And I mean living on multiple levels. The physical aspect of life as well as the mental. It's time to stop simply surviving and learn how to live again.
- Set a completion date.
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- Enter a competition.
- Enter a competition amongst your friends.
- Plaster motivational quotes all over your house.
- I haven't started plastering the house but I did write some in very large letters on my bedroom wall. And in my notebook. And on my computer.
- Write "Every Day is a New Battle" on your bathroom mirror.
- Post your favorite fitness role model on your refrigerator.
- I don't have one. I've never really had role models for anything in my life.
- Post your favorite fat picture on your refrigerator.
- Type "Your Character is your Destiny" on your screen saver.
- Type "Get off your Fat Butt" on your screen saver.
- Practice core strength by using a stability ball for a chair.
- One thing on my to get list for sure.
- Rollover and do some crunches in-between emails on your stability ball chair.
- Buy a nice wardrobe that will fit you in two months.
- Donate all your fat clothes to Salvation Army.
- Moderate your strict eating with a fat meal once a week.
RELATED VIDEO: Your 12-Week Daily Video Trainer
Thursday, Week 5: Eating Out!
Kris Gethin is your own Daily Personal Trainer! Today we have some tips on eating out without cheating on your transformation.
Watch More From This Series Here.
- When eating your fat meal, look at the body type of other people who eat fat meals daily.
- Buy some fitness magazines.
- Read some "how to" fitness articles.
- Join a fitness web blog.
- Read transformation stories.
- Pray and thank God for the amount of weight you've already lost.
- Make a supportive fitness group.
- Hang around fit friends.
- This would require friends.
- Surround yourself with people and things that promote a healthy lifestyle.
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- Find a running partner.
- Inspire your own partner to run with you.
- To first be able to run is one of my goals. I never been a runner.
- Create fitness goals with your partner.
- Make a workout and diet log.
- I do this to a point. Though I admit it's been sporadic lately. My motivation is much like the moon and tides, it waxes and wanes.
- Personalize your journal by adding inspirational quotes and pictures.
- So done in so many ways.
- Document your progress: weight, body fat, and blood pressure.

Click Image To Enlarge.
Document Your Progress: Weight, Body Fat, And Blood Pressure.
- Attend a bodybuilding/fitness show.
- Talk to competitors and pros that live for fitness.
- Ask your role models what motivates them.
- Take a chance and email your role model off their web site.
- Take a supplement for physical gains as well as a mental 'placebo' effect.
- Drink some coffee.
- Drink more coffee.
- Date someone more fit than you.
- well now that would not be to difficult
- Date someone who inspires you.
- Date someone you want to look really good naked for.
- Shave your body so you can see all your muscles.
- Tan your body so you can see all the lines and contours of your muscles.
- Tan your body at the beach so that people with really nice bodies can inspire you.
- Hire a trainer.
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We will be highlighting a personal trainer each month.
These great trainers have been successful in helping their clients
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[ Check Out The Personal Trainer Of The Month ]
- Become a trainer.
- Humble a trainer by knowing more stuff than him/her.
- Look like a trainer.
- Buy new athletic shoes.
- Buy a new workout outfit.
- Buy clean, new, and comfortable socks.
- Wear really bright colors to the gym.
- Take a group exercise class.
- Take a spinning class for really intense cardio.
- Take Yoga or Pilates class for variety and core strength.
- Drink an energy drink.
- Plan a vacation where you have to wear a swimsuit.

Click Image To Enlarge.Plan A Vacation Where
You Have To Wear A Swimsuit.
- Read Lance Armstrong's biography.
- Envision your workout during your warm-up.
- Focus on the workout, one set at a time.
- Beat yourself up with weights for even getting de-motivated.
- Conquer your negative thoughts by pushing your body into painful consciousness.
- Experiment on how much you can make yourself sweat.
- Make it a goal to be the fittest person in the weight room - or any room for that matter.
- Test your max on pushups and pullups.
- Post the Krispy Kreme's calendar on your wall.
- Post Monica Brant's calendar on your wall.
- Watch Ronnie Coleman videos.
- Read articles by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- Buy a home exercise bike or treadmill.
- All I need is money. Money, and money
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- Become the inspiration amongst your friends.
- Help someone who is very overweight or wants to gain muscle.
- in other words, help my self
- Visit my web site: http://www.mariakang.com/.
- Place your alarm clock across your bedroom so that you have to get up to turn it off in the morning.
- Place your athletic shoes right next to your alarm clock.
- Place a quote right next to your alarm clock that says: "Today you are closer to the person you were meant to become."
- Alarm your cell phone to give you daily reminders to eat, work out, and give gratitude.
- Volunteer your time with people who don't have full function of their bodies.
- Volunteer your passion for fitness at a YMCA.
- Look up new, healthy recipes to cook.
RELATED VIDEO: Your 12-Week Daily Video Trainer
Tuesday, Week 11: More Recipes!
Kris Gethin is your own Daily Personal Trainer! Today we're back in the kitchen for some more great recipe ideas!
Watch More From This Series Here.
- Search for new, healthy restaurants to eat at.
- Observe the body type of the people at restaurants you shouldn't eat at.
- Read one of Mike Mahler's Aggressive Strength Training Articles on Bodybuilding.com.
- Learn a new exercise technique like Kettlebell training.
- Turn off your TV and run.
- Buy a new MP3 player or iPod and put some high energy workout songs on it.
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- Buy new workout devices like a heart rate monitor or pedometer.
- Work out at a different gym.
- Work out at a different time of day.
- Work out using all new exercises.
- Vary your cardio by incorporating High Intensity Training.
- Say a prayer for power right before you train.
- Say a prayer for performance right before your set.
- Say a prayer for pain during your set.
- Say a prayer for persistence after your set.
- Say a prayer for positive action after you train.
- Shop for supplements, videos, and books on Bodybuilding.com.
- Get passionate enough to write an article for Bodybuilding.com.
- You know what motivates you. Quit reading and make it happen.
Articles like this motivate me. They make me think. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
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