Get To Work!
…but I really don’t feel motivated.
You don’t have to be. Get to Work.
…but I don’t have any good ideas
You don’t need any to Get to Work.
…but I’m really tired right now…
You’ll feel more energized if you Get to Work.
…but I have so much on my plate.
Then Get to Work and knock some of it out!
…but I worked hard yesterday. Maybe I can just relax today.
I don’t care what you did yesterday. This is today. Get to Work.
…but I’m hungry…
Work first, then grab a snack, then Get Back to Work.
…but I don’t want to become a workaholic.
Most people err on the other side. Get to Work.
…but I’m so busy…
You don’t have a lack of time. You have a lack of priorities. Get to Work.
…but I’m not inspired…
Inspiration comes to those who Get to Work.
…but I’m really ok with myself as I am. I don’t need to improve myself or my situation.
You’re reading this, aren’t you? You care. Get to Work.
…but no one’s making me do it.
That’s good. You can’t be forced into making art, or doing good. Get to Work.
…but my favorite TV show is on…
Kindly throw the nearest brick through your television screen and Get to Work.
…but Facebook is…
Install one of these and Get to Work!
…but I’m feeling kind of down right now.
Work can make you feel energized and alive. Get to Work.
…but _________________________(fill in the blank)
That’s an excuse not to work. Get to Work.
The author of the above is a blogger among other things and I can't help noticing that much of his advice towards writers applies to so many other areas of life. Here's another little gym from him:
The idea of yourself as a loser comes from between your two ears.
You aren’t a loser. You really aren’t. You aren’t a failure, you aren’t a fraud. You aren’t a sellout or a terrible person.
You just think you are.
The thing is, if you think you’re a failure, you do a pretty good job of failing. If you think you’re lazy, you’ll be lazy. If you think you’re insecure, you’ll start acting insecure. Understand that you decide these things. If you are dead certain that you can’t do math, you’ll fail if you try to take that math class. You’ll nod your head sadly at this: of course you failed the math class: you’re a failure when it comes to math. What if instead you decided that you can do anything that you put your mind to? What if you firmly believed that you were a success?
This is a HUGE issue in my life. I partially blame the depression and the altered thinking caused by it. But then, I read this:

It’s you. You’re the problem.
so very true. i am in control of my life, no one else
It’s not your circumstances; people rise above their circumstances all the time. People decide not to make their difficult circumstances an obstacle. You don’t have to be defined by them.
You’re the problem.
It’s not the way you were raised; parents make mistakes, some parents make really big mistakes, some parents aren’t there for their kids. Some can’t be. None of this will hold you back if you don’t let it.
my parents tried, they just didn't know any better. one thing about becoming a parent, it helps you understand your own parent.
You’re the problem.
It’s not the fear. It’s not built into you. You’re not some sort of machine, uncontrollable and driven completely by fear, You can help it.
the ducking depression makes this hard. it's not rational fear, or even a fear that can fully be explained to anyone who has not experienced it
You’re the problem.
It’s not your boss. Maybe you need to fire your boss, but that’s beside the point; your boss cannot hurt you if you don’t let him. He decided how he acts, but you decide how you respond. You’re deciding to hurt yourself.
this is true of all people, not just a boss
You’re the problem.
It’s not the political figure in power. Politicians come and politicians go, and some people always win; some people always lose. Politicians may tinker with the law, but they can’t change you.
more people need to understand this
You’re the problem.
It’s not the economy. You don’t have to be afraid like everyone else is. You can go confidently out and learn how to make yourself valuable. It’s not the economy that’s holding you back.
You’re the problem.
It’s not the food. It’s not the fast food companies’ deceptive advertising. It’s not the ways that they manipulate your brain with images of food. It’s not how expensive healthy food is, it’s not that you don’t have enough time; it’s not that the kids don’t like the food. You don’t care enough.
and it's so much easier to just eat. willpower is hard to find sometimes. excuses are easy.
You’re the problem.
It’s not the credit card companies, it’s not the way the world works, it’s not that you don’t make enough money; it’s not that you can’t support your family. You’re deeply in debt because you just can’t say no to you.
You’re the problem.
* * *
It’s not your circumstances; you don’t have to be defined by them.
You’re the solution.
It’s not the way you were raised; whether you had really good parents, really bad parents or nonexistent parents, it doesn’t really matter in the long run.
You’re the solution.
i'm working very hard on not letting the past control my present or my future.
It’s not built into you. “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit is every time.” You won’t naturally do what’s right and what will make you win. You have to decide.
You’re the solution.
Not entirely true when you have clinical depression. it's part of me, a part I'd love to cut out and never see again, but a part none the less. I have to learn to deal with it instead of letting it control my life. not an easy thing.
It’s not your boss. Your boss, no matter how good they are, can’t make you care.
You’re the solution.
It’s not the political figure in power. Believe me, the president can only change so much. You’re going to have to take steps to change your own life.
You’re the solution.
It’s not the economy. You can win in a down economy, you can win in an up economy. It all depends on you.
You’re the solution.
It’s not the food. There’s no miracle vitamin. There’s no super food that will make you skinny. What will make you skinny is looking in the mirror and telling yourself “No” over and over again.
You’re the solution.
this is another hard one for me. sometimes I find myself eating and not even realizing I'm doing it. my brain doesn't give me a chance to say no.
It’s not the having perfect credit, it’s not making a certain amount of money, it’s not having the perfect job, it’s not winning the lottery; you’ll start to get a handle on your money when you can force yourself to stop buying stuff you don’t need. When you can force yourself to brown-bag it. When you can force yourself to drive a junkier car. When you can control yourself, you can win.
You’re the problem.
You’re the solution.
ANd some more:
What does not take courage.
~Making art and not sharing it with anyone.
~Anything motivated by fear.
~Anything motivated by guilt.
~Doing the same thing you’ve always done.(something I'm great at)
~Taking the path of least resistance.(this too. until it took me right off a cliff)
~Gliding through life.(again, right off a cliff)
~Entertaining yourself.
~Fulfilling the least of your obligations.
~Giving people your opinion on something you don’t know anything about.
~Becoming numb.(been numb most of my life. finally getting some feeling)
~Doing as you’re told.
What takes some courage.
~Meeting new people.(I totally SUCK at this)
~Showing up early.(always)
~Having a good attitude.(you must be joking)
~Trying something new.
~Making an effort to remember people’s names.(um, sure, OK)
What takes incredible courage.
~Doing what’s right.
~Trying something new all the time.
~Ignoring the naysayers.
~Doing something that really matters.
~Saying no to fear.
~Saying no to guilt.
We are truly ruled by fear. We are taught to be good assembly-line workers through fear. Fear may cause good grades and it may make people work hard, but ultimately it won’t help you be a better artist or a better innovator.
I want you to fight the fear.
If you just react to fear, you’re normal.
If you push through fear, you’re an artist.
Fear is a funny thing. There is so much more to it than being afraid of spiders or the dark. Fear can be insidious, sneaky. Fear of change, of success of doing something new. Fear keeps you in the ruts you create over time. Fear keeps you in dysfunctional relationships. Bad jobs. Fear can keep you from talking to people, from making friends. It can, if you let it, control your life. Fear and depression go hand in hand, gleefully skipping over a persons life, squashing it under foot like rotten fruit left in a garden. In short, fear sucks.
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