Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Thoughts to lose the pounds.

If God is willing to prevent evil, but is not able to
Then He is not omnipotent.

If He is able, but not willing
Then He is malevolent.

If He is both able and willing
Then whence cometh evil?

If He is neither able nor willing
Then why call Him God?

1. I don’t have to eat it just because its on my plate.

2. BIG PORTIONS – BIG PEOPLE       Small portions – small people.
  • portion control, portion control, portion control
3. What have I learned about my eating style today?
  • I tend to eat to fast
  • I eat large portions of healthy food
  • I don't eat often enough
  • I tend to make poor choices when given the option
  • I can't have snack/junk food in the house
  • I have little self control when it comes to food I like
4. I can DO this just ONE more day.
  • I will start this today and do it every day. It's not a diet, it's a way of life.
5. What is the best alternative I can come up with, right now?
  • Some times the only options are bad, go for the least of the evil
6. I will NOT let chocolate determine my self-esteem.
  • I will not order pizza and eat the entire thing
7. My husband is 6’1″ and I am 5’3″ – WHY do I think I could or should eat what he eats? (OK, this one doesn't count for me.)
8. Buffets are intended for you to have choices, not to eat the whole thing!
  • I do not go to buffets very often if at all. They are evil places
9. If I eat this S L O W ,  I will really T A S T E it….and enjoy it for what it is – and NOT need more.
  • I need to eat slower. Take smaller bites. Set a good example for my daughter. I don't have to eat fast. 
10. You can eat whatever you want at tonight’s party – as long as you have exercised the right to do so!

11. I know I can do this – if I really WANT to.
  • I give new meaning to the phrase "do or die". Those are my two options.
12. What can I do today to make me feel good about myself?
  • I always seem to lack answers for this question.
13. This is just 1 day out of my 365 day year – I can cope with it. tomorrow will be easier.
  • One day at a time, one step at a time!
14. If I don’t take care of my weight and health – there are a lot of doctor’s and others who will gladly take my money to do it for me.
  • Do or die. Do or die. My body can't continue under this load for ever
15. I never tell myself I am quitting – I only say: ” I’m taking a break, or vacation day today.   It stops me from thinking it is all over.  I acknowledge it is just a temporary break. Then I do not have to feel guilty over it.

16. When I get to my goal weight – I am treating myself to a spa! and pretend I am “Oprah for a day” (:  She is only the richest woman in America ( at least as of this writing)    Won’t you feel rich when you are at your goal weight and feeling your best?
  • When I hit my first major goal weight I'm having a flipping party. Jumping for joy. And I don't know what else. That weight is 299 pound. It will be the first time I'm under 300 since high school. Right now I yoyo around 530. So I need to lose 230 pounds. That's only a person. I will do this. Or die trying. 

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