Monday, April 30, 2012

medication continued

So it's been almost 7 days since I changed my meds. Now, in that 7 days I've fought one hell of a head cold, so results could be a little off. I stopped taking the Abilify (2mg) and, surprise surprise, the muscle pain and aches seem to have, for the most part, returned to what I normally deal with it. Now, that in and of its self is great news. While I still hurt, it's a hurt that I've dealt with most of my life and not the extreme that I've been dealing with for that last two months. No more feeling like I got ran over by a train, just a truck.

And on top of that, without taking that goddam gabapenton, I feel much more normal. The fog has lifted. I can think again, thoughts are coherent. I don't have brain stutter any more. That stuff is horrible! I can't believe how much better I feel being off of it.

OK, so yes, I still have issues with my feet but between the acupuncture, capcacin gel and TENS unit, it's  controllable, mostly. It does flair up on occasion and suddenly feel like my feet are aflame, but that goes away after a few minutes. And quite frankly, given the alternative, I'm willing to deal with it.

I am still taking the lexapro and the welbutrin. I'm still afraid to stop them. I think I may need them for the rest of my time here on earth to keep me in the land of the relatively sane. I would not want to re-experience the month plus of anxiety, nor go back into the depression. I don't think I  would make it out again.

It is just another reminder. Well, two actually. First, drugs are simply a band aid. Secondly, I seem blessed with a very.....unique body chemistry. I am the one that experiences all those side effects they have to list on the advertisements. You know, that .01% that has something funky happen. That's me.

It's not just prescription drugs, it's all drugs. And alcohol too. When the doctors ask me if I have allergies I say no, but I get cool side effects, let's see what happens with this one.

I have an appointment with my med provider on Wednesday, that should make for an interesting conversation.

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