Friday, July 27, 2012

Time to fish or cut bait (or in my case, get off my ass or die)

My current weight is 580. My height is a little over 6'3", giving me a BMI of roughly 72.5

English BMI Formula
BMI = ( Weight in Pounds / ( Height in inches x Height in inches ) ) x 703

In order to qualify for bariatric surgery I need a BMI of 70 or less.

What I know at this point:

  • I have an appointment with the bariatric surgeon on August 7th to discuss my options and hopefully start the process towards surgery.
  • I will have to lose around 50 pounds to qualify for the surgery
  • My insurance does not cover the entire cost and I will have to cover several thousand out of pocket
  • The cost to my health and quality of life is too high to not do this.
 I've got migraines, those could be reduced. I suffer from depression, that could be reduced. Sleep apnea could get better, bad joints won't hurt as much. I could actually enjoy life again.

So, now I have got to quit making excuses. I have to focus and do what I know I need do. I have the knowledge. I need find the discipline.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

I've always found it fascinating how vane man is as a species. We think us to be the center of the universe, the only creatures in it and oh so important.

But, in comparison to other planets we are a speck of dust among a billion other specs of dust. An insignificant spot in a vast universe.

And yet we seem intent on killing our planet, go figure.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Hurry up and weight

Started the process to get bariatric surgery last evening. 90 minutes of my life I'll never get back but a required hoop I must leap. An "informational" seminar. I suppose I may have gleaned some tidbit of unknown information, seems things change regularly with these surgeries.

Now it's time to wait and see, hurry up and do nothing. Sit around and wonder if the phone is going to ring. The process for this is long. My application has to be reviewed, the insurance has to approve it and then, if those happen, the actual process begins.

If everything does get approved then it will most likely take another couple months, or longer to jump the remaining hoops and actually get the surgery. They will make me lose up to 10% of my weight (that's be easy, because you know, that's not why I'm wanting this surgery or anything). Dietitians and shrinks will be involved and what ever else they decide I need.

So, we shall see if I hear anything. If not, it's on to plan B, what ever that turns out to be.