Sunday, August 25, 2013

Prep for surgery

OK, so, if I thought it was hard to get here, this week is even harder. Though it is kind of cool to see the scale go down every day. I am 5 days away from surgery and in the pre-op diet. It's two protein shakes and one meal for a total of 800 calories or less. Then I have two days pre surgery that are liquid only with a nice bottle of what I like to call makes you poop juice (magnesium citrate) to clean me out inside.

OK, so, if I lived alone, or didn't have hungry kids this wouldn't be quite as hard. To cook meals knowing I don't get any of it, that's a bitch. I have to leave the room when everyone else eats.

And the way my body is reacting. Wow. I go between bouts of energy and wanting to sleep. Between kind of loopy and light headed to feeling mostly OK. From not hungry at all to feeling like I could eat an entire cow. It is a VERY odd experience. And a huge test of my willpower. I have to constantly remind myself of the end goal. Of why I'm doing this. Of the benefits. And that gets me through those moments when I just want to stuff food in my face.

Tomorrow will be one step closer. I have the IVC filter put in in the morning. That's the last thing to do before surgery. Other than not eat.

My goal it to keep this update with my progress and my experience. Not sure how that will work while in hospital but I plan to have photos taken and keep track of things as best I can.

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