Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day Six Post Op

And over 10 pounds gone forever. Todays weight is 486.4 When I went in for surgery on the 30th I was a touch over 500. So, at this point I have lost a bit over 100 pounds.

The pain is significantly lessened today. I had an interesting experience in bed last night. It felt like everything in my belly suddenly fell back into place. As if the swelling had subsided enough for things to return home. And a second after that feeling, the pain level diminished noticeably.

Also, my emotions seem to have regulated for the most part. Still have episodes every once in while, but nothing like it was the first couple days. That may have to do with getting my meds back in me more than anything else.

So now it's about healing, eating and drinking what I need to and figuring out and focusing on, the future.

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