Sunday, August 31, 2014

New blog, new turn

I decided to start a new, very specific blog.

The plight of the American dad.
What are the issues facing fathers today and how do we address them?

I did this because I'm a father. Because I've personally faced some of these issues, because I'm getting old and would like to do something productive with the rest of my life. And probably some other reasons I have yet to realize. I won't repeat too much of what I wrote, but I will say this. There are services galore for moms. Single moms, married moms, divorced or divorcing moms. There are support groups, talk shows, webpages.... What is there for the dad? Beer and sports. Get off your ass and get a job. Machismo, eons of bullshit. Lots and lots of judgement. So, that is why the new blog, to shed some light on these problems. To share information, to maybe help in some small way. And it's for me as well, as a reminder of what I need to do to be a better father. Of the reasons I am a father. So, check it out. Pass it along, tell me it sucks, what ever. It's a work in progress, like many things in my life, including me. 

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