Monday, September 1, 2014

Shitty neighbors

And their vile children too. As I mention in my other blog "The plight of the American dad" what a child sees is usually what they become. In other words, shitty people make shitty parents and thus, shitty kids. When the parents have no respect for anyone around them how can you expect the children to? You really can't. It's like blaming a dog for being a dog when the owner is the one who lets it shit in your yard. The dog doesn't know any better. Works the same with kids.

I understand that kids make noise when they play. I'm OK with that. When your kids scream, for hours, for no reason other than to make noise, that I'm not OK with. With your children make more noise than a school yard and there's only 5 of them, that I'm not OK with. When the noise lasts the ENTIRE FUCKING DAY, that I'm not OK with. Seriously, shut the fuck up. I don't live next to a school, or a playground, or a church. I live in a cul-de-sac. Your obnoxious, ill mannered heathen children are in the middle of several houses. Guess what, we don't want to listen to them have a screaming contest for two hours. We really don't. Be a parent and make them stop. It's not that hard. It really isn't. I get that you don't give a shit, but at least try a little.

I really don't expect much from my neighbors. A small amount of mutual respect. Understanding of where your yard ends and mine begins, especially if your children can't manage to pick up after themselves. I don't need or want you to like me, or to like my children. I do expect my own children to be able to play in their yard without being harassed by yours while you choose to ignore it. When your children are throwing rocks at my daughter, at other vehicles and at each other I shouldn't have to be the one to make them stop. They're your fucking kids, be a parent.

My neighbors are the reason I don't like people. They are the perfect example of what is wrong with society. Entitled, rude, disrespectful assholes. Hey, you know what? I have my own television, I don't want to listen to yours. I tell them to pick up their garbage out my yard and they call the police. No, really, she did.

I'm all for personal freedoms and what not, until your choices start to have a negative impact on the lives of me and my family. That's when I start having issues. When my daughter can't play in her own yard because shitty parents can't control their shitty children, that is a problem. I have the right to allow my child outside without having to worry if your shitty kid is going to hit her in the head with a rock. My child has the right to play outside without being subjected to verbal abuse from you shitty children. I have the right to my yard, the one I pay for, without having to trip over the crap you and your children leave in it. You want to be a lazy parent that is your right, keep your children in your house, away from me and mine. And tell them to shut the hell up, or I will.

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