Monday, September 21, 2015

My name is and I'm an addict

An internet addict. It's a problem. The internet has become my distraction and my focus. My outlet and my link to the world. It has become the primary activity in my day. My computer is the first thing on and the last thing off. It's a problem. OK, so pardon the pity party, but. I have no social life. I'm a stay at home day. I have no friends, no hobbies and no interests outside the house and the gym. So I turn to the internet. I write, I watch movies, I play silly Facebook games, and I sit. I've tried to meet people, I really have. I don't like them. I've tried to find hobbies but everything that interests me is expensive and I'm poor. So the computer distracts me, entertains me and gives me something to do. The problem is, it's become most of what I do. So I've made a new goal of not spending as much time sitting in front of it. Did you know there are apps for that? Yep, there really are. Apps that remind you to get off your ass once an hour. I just installed one. They have these for your phone too. A couple are browser based and others depend on your operating system. I use Linux, so that dictates what program I can use.

The first one I'm trying is browser based and called MoveIt. You can set the time between 5 and 55 minutes and when it reaches the set interval a popup is supposed to remind you to get up and do something. It hasn't gone off yet so I'm not...... And it just went off. Turned my browser a nice pink color and told me to touch my elbow to my knee 10 times. Cool! I also installed a timer/alarm on my computer and set it to go off every 45 minutes. So, between the two I should at least get up and move a little more. Now I need to find a hobby that gets me out of the house. Or spend more hours at the gym. Or get a life. Something. I need out of the house more.

And that is something I have a hard time with. The depression makes wanting to do things difficult. The social anxiety makes it hard to go anyplace with people. And then there's the kids. What do you do with a two year old? You go to the park. I hate people, there are people at the park. Well, it is all a work in progress right. We'll tackle that problem another day.

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