Monday, October 19, 2009

Me for President in 2010

I hate politics. I hate politicians. It seems that no matter what the agenda they claim to follow, they lie, backpeddle, waffle and pretty much do what they want. Doesn't that go against the entire concept of an elected official? Aren't they supposed to work for us? Isn't it "by the people, for the people"? Nope, sure isn't. And I don't think it ever has been. It's for the rich by the rich. Has a poor or middle class American ever been elected to office? With the acception of a few small town Mayors? Obama? Wealthy. Bush? Wealthy? Clinton? Bush again? I can't think of a single President who was a "normal" American.

So, if you are already well off and all your friends are well off; if you've made your money off the blood sweat and tears of the average american, what is your motivation to help them? Why would you want to educate your work force? If you let them better themselves, they will want to advance and you'll have to find new faces to fill the void. Not very financially responsible is it? Or you can just bag it and out source to some third world country with almost free labor, no environmental or safety regulations and easier tax rules. After all, there sure isn't any reason not to. It's all about the bottom line and profit after all, isn't it?

If we ever want to change government, we need to change the rules first. Make it easier for the "average Joe (sixpack?)" to run for office. Take the money out of washington. If you want a person who cares about the general population of a country, you need a leader who comes from that population, who has friends and family in that population. Someone who knows what it's really like to wonder how they are going to pay the bills. Someone who has had to deal with the health care system, the police, the crappy education system. Someone who has done more than live with a silver spoon and get paid to lie.

We need to change the rules. Put the power back in the hands of people. Make not only America, but Americans first. Fix our own problems before we worry about the rest of the world that hates us but begs for help. Instead of fixing Iraq, let's fix Arkansas, or Michigan, or..... Let's rebuild our infrastructure. We borrow money we don't have from one country, to give it to another? Seems silly doesn't it?

This is why I shouldn't look at political web pages. Gets me all rankled and irritated. I wish people in this country would wake up and pay attention to what's going on around them. Turn off the television and learn to think again. Quit swallowing all the propaganda, from all sides. They are not looking out for you. They don't care about you. Unless it's how much money they can get out of you. Be a good little drone, stay in debt so you are forced to keep a job you don't like. Stay stupid so you don't know any better and stay scared so you will look to the government for protection and not question when they take your rights away one by one.

We need a new political party in this country. Call it the Realist party. Or perhaps the peoples party, though that kind of sound a bit commy chinese doesn't it? I know, the no bullshit party? Our logo could be a crapping bull in a circle with a line through it.

Ok, I feel better now. Vote for me damnit. I know what's best for you.

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