Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Midnight ramblings of a disturbed mind

So I've been thinking about this journey I'm on. Of self improvement, health improvement and mind improvement. This is a journey with no  end. Well, I suppose death will be the end. Assuming some religion or another isn't right. Guess I'll find out some day.

I've decided that I need something to focus on. A project, a job, something to fill my days. It's been so long since I've been employed the idea of going back to work at a real job honestly freaks me out a little bit. So, I've been thinking about what I can do other than the work I'm doing on me. I can't afford a gym or much else outside the house. So, to think, what to do.

I think I would like to expand my blog into some form of website to share information with others. Yes, I know there are quite a few out there, but in my opinion they all have serious issues of one form or another.

So, it's apparently time to study up on my coding and web design and see what I can come up with. At least a starting point to work from. I have a rough draft in my head, a little seed of an idea. I have quite a few of them floating around in the back of my mind. It's pulling them out and planting them that causes me problems.

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