Monday, November 7, 2011

Succeed today

I know, it sounds like the beginning of an infomercial selling you self help crap. But really, it's pretty sound advice. How much time have I spent worrying about the past, things that are done and I can not change? And the future is a direct result of todays actions.

So, this got me thinking about a lot of things. Especially my health. My new way of thinking is one pound at a time, one day at a time. To succeed today. If I can succeed today then tomorrow I can do the same. And the day after. And so on.

I weighed myself earlier today, it being Monday and all. I've lost 1 pound this week. I started to beat myself up about it, for about a minute. Then I realized, wow, that's one less pound. The scale went down and not up. It's going in the right direction.

I never weighed myself while I was getting fat. I avoided scales. So I have really no  idea how fast I  gained the pounds. I know it was consistent and steady for many years. I have stacks of clothes that I grew out of. Some hardly used at all. But I won't think about that, I will think about today and what I need to do today to succeed.

Habits take time to form and they take time to stop. Much like smoking, being overweight and inactive is a habit. I quit smoking one day at a time and I succeeded, after 20 years. I can do the same with getting healthy.

So what are you going to succeed at today?

1 comment:

Sue said...

AWWWW! This makes me happy! You liked my motto/advice!! It is a good one huh? :)