Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New tracking website

So I recently found what I had hoped to be a good website for tracking my food and finding some support. Unfortunately it turned out to be not so much. It's like the facebook of dieting. So I looked around and stumbled upon another.

It called calorie count. So far, I'm liking it quite a lot. It's cleaner than the other. It has more information from reputable sources instead of 19 year old bimbos and muscle bound morons.

It has all of the same functions as mfp with others thrown in for fun. So, if you want the facebook of health, along with the silliness and lack of maturity MFP is the place for you. If you want clean and neat, useful and informative, it's calorie count.

After I use it for a while I'll write about what I think. But at first look I like what I see.


Sue said...

That's funny cause I LEFT calorie count for MFP!! LOL I was there for a few years and one day I was looking for the calories in something I was eating that was not listed in their data base and found MFP! I have never had to go look up anything I eat on MFP it has always been in the database already. Plus after years on calorie count I did not have many friends for support at all..maybe 2-3. I have tons on MFP and I am leading others there. You are right about the facebook likeness though. I stay away from the message boards unless I have a simple question. I don't even read them that much. I look up anything I wanna know else where. And I only keep the really helpful friends. I love it way more than CC and I don't even hardly use facebook anymore, I hate it. But Maybe you will have better luck with it. I liked it for a while...but this works better for me. Each one has to find what works for them though. :) Good luck!

Rain Howard said...

Thanks Sue. I like the support I'm getting on MFP from those that I've added as friends. But the general design of it bugs me for some reason. I would like to have a combination of the two but putting all my info it two seperate sites consistently just seem like a pain.

I'm not closing my account on MFP, just checking out my options. I may come back for good, I don't know yet. They seem to be making some nice improvements on MFP so maybe my mind will be changed.

Thank you for your continued support, it is greatly appreciated.