I apparently forgot what it was like to take a full load of classes in a short term. I haven't had this much homework since highschool. And I don't think I even had this much then. I always had a thing for doing my "homework" at school. Can't quite get away with that these days.
Any way. This heat sucks! My body can not adjust this fast to sudden 90 degree heat. I hate it. I wish I had the money for a boat. Or at least enough money to afford gas to go to the lake, or the river, or the beach.. I'm trying to find the motivation to do something productive and all I want to do is sit here in front of the fan.
I do have a somewhat useful reason for this particular blog. I keep getting asked what programs I use on my computer for various things, how to find them and what I use them for. So, with that in mind;
I have a several year old HP pavilion zx5000. I love this old brick. It still out performs a lot of the new computers and with the 160gig hard drive I installed after the OEM hard drive fried, I have more than enough storage space. I do with I had a bit more RAM, but I will maybe expand that one of these days. I use FireFox as a web browser. I have tried Opera, hated it. I tried the PC version of the Mac browser, it wouldn't even work on my computer. IE, as everyone know, sucks ass. No matter how hard they try to emulate FireFox, they just can't quite seem to get it right.
With all of the photography I do, I keep pondering buying PhotoShop. Then I look at the price and am reminded why I don't have it yet. I've used it extensively at school and frankly, for the price, it's over rated. If you want a simple program that does all of the basic photo editing you need to do, check out PhotoScape. It's free, easy to use, can convert and edit RAW, has viewing and organizing options, batch editing, renaming and a lot more. I use it a lot.
Have you ever had an issue when uninstalling some program from your computer? Keep finding left over junk that should have gone away? Try Revo Uninstaller.
It's free, it works great and it's easy to use. It has a number of options, including junk file cleaner, history wiper, start up options for windows and a lot more. I can't believe how much crap I've found hiding on my hard drive and clogging up my registry. Computer runs so much faster now.
Do you transfer and upload a lot of large files? Want your very own little ftp program? Try Core FTP Light. I use this now quite frequently. I never understood the point of ftp and file transfer programs until I started using one. Amazing how much faster it is.
Oh, and one more I just recently found out about (ok, so maybe I'm a bit behind, I don't know). Notepad++
Notepad++ is a very usefull text editor, especially for writing code. It tries and from my experience, succeeds, to notify you if you fucked up your code. It is much easier to read and write code in than the standard Windows notepad.
Well, that's enough of that, I really need to focus on my homework and get some pictures edited for my photogaphy class.
The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Back to School, again

Still seems odd to be going to school at my age. Some days I feel ancient wandering around amongst the 18-20 somethings at school. I so wish that I would have had more direction in my life when I was younger. I wish I had been able to pick a path and stick with it. I knew kids when I was in school that knew exactly what they wanted to do with the life they were given. They had plans, dreams, goals. I never did. I wandered. I moved more times than I can count, originally with my parents (obviously) and then on my own once I moved out. Or, more accurately, once I moved on and they didn't.
I've lived in Oregon, Washington, Utah, Rhode Island and Connecticut. I've spent time in Florida, Alaska, Montana, Idaho (very briefly) and many points in between. I've seen a lot of this country, had a lot of different jobs, known a lot of different people. I can honestly say, I have experienced more than most people ever get the chance to. I've seen the Northern Lights and the Green Flash at sunset. I've seen glaciers calve and cows calve. I wish I had more pictures of it all. Unfortunetly, all I have of most are my memories.

Here's a few more pictures from Alaska from a few years ago.
Ah well. Now I have somewhat of a direction to go in, though it's really more than one direction I suppose. I am getting an Associates in Computer Networking, something that will pay the bills and hopefully allow for year round, consistent, long term work. I'm also working on getting better at photography, taking classes on lighting, digital photography and photography in general. Then, on top of all of that are the web design classes so I can learn how to build sites like this one. All that is going to make for a very bussy two years.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
My Second Blog

What ever was I babbling about previously? Oh, yeah, that's it, my job on the good old Island Spirit, among several other boats. Sometimes I miss it, being on the water, seeing everything I did. I would love to go back to SE Alaska again, with plenty of time and plenty of money.
One of the nice things about the work that I did, I got paid to do what the passengers paid a lot of money to do. Granted, I was working 12 to 20 hours a day doing it, but I still enjoyed the wail watching, the trips to the beach, the evening in town. I was paid to do things most people never get the opportunity for. In that, I have no regrets. How many people get to watch glaciers calve? Or Orcas breach ten feet away? I got paid to spend two weeks anchored off Key West. I've been paid to go to the Bahamas. It hasn't sucked.
So many different jobs I've had over the years. I suppose that's one of the motivating factors in me returning to school one more time. As I get older I start to think more about the future. Having children adds to that. When it was just me I had to worry about, I had no problem jumping from boat to boat and traveling all over the country. I had no real worries, very few bills and no responsibilities. It was fun while it lasted.
Though I will admit, it wasn't all fun and games. Lot's of long days, lots of airports, motels, rental cars and bad food. I spent two weeks in Miami with no idea how I was going to get home. That wasn't to terribly fun. OK, yes it was. I loved Miami. Then I was in Fort Lauderdale, also fun. Stayed in a Hostel frequented by foreign yacht crew. What a bunch of snooty, stuck up fuckers. But then I suppose if you spent the majority of your time kissing some billionaires butt on a multi-million dollar boat you'd get an attitude after a while.
For some odd reason I always seem to end up back in Oregon. Not sure why that is. Can't say as I really like this state all that much. The economy sucks, the housing market is as over inflated as Pamela Anderson's boobs and you can't swim in the ocean here because it's to damn cold. But more on that later.
My first blog
I suppose I can use the space to rant about all that pisses me off in the world. That would take up plenty of space. But then, where would I start? I think I may go for the more positive end of things and babble about photography, school, my kids and all that.
Since this is my very first blog, I guess I will tell those that care a little about me. That though brings back that "where to begin" question. I'm 34, male, presently living in Eugene, Oregon with my Girlfriend, our 11 month old daughter and her 9 year old daughter. I have a 22 month old son who lives in Corvallis with his mother, my ex from a several month stint of insanity I experienced about 3 years ago. I have been all over the country in my 34 years but am originally from a Podunk little burg called Gold Beach on the southern Oregon coast. A pretty place to visit and a nice place to be from.
Hmm, what else in my pointless little ramble? I am presently going back to college (OK, so it's a community college) for the third time in my life. Not bad for a high school drop out. This time I am focusing on Computer Networking with an aside in photography. I love the photography but it's a bit hard to pay the bills with. My previous trip to school was in Astoria, Oregon where I got a degree in "Maritime Sciences". Yeah, it sounds cool doesn't it? What it means is, I spent 2 years and lots of money learning how to go play with other peoples boats. I eventually got my Coast Guard Captains license but have let in lapse recently. Hard to go work on a boat for 6 months when you have young children.
I spent the better part of six years working on different boats all over the country. Spent some time in Florida on a couple different boats, SE Alaska several different times and the Puget Sound and British Columbia aboard the Island Spirit. That was, with out a doubt, my favorite of all. Check them out. http://www.sanjuanislandcruises.com A fantastic way to see that part of the world.

At the head of the inlet is a wee little water fall called Chatterbox. Well, it's only wee little toward the end of summer, the rest of the year, it's pretty impressive.

Any way, enough about me for tonight. It's 1 in the morning, time for sleep. Hope those that find this and read it enjoy. And if you don't, well....... So, untill I decided to post some more useless information. Oh, if you like these pictures, please check out my Flickr page and let me know what you think of those. It's open to the public, no joining anything. Leave me comments. I can't better if no one tells me what they do and don't like.
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